A Funnels agency for impact driven coaches and course creators who want to expand their reach and sell on autopilot. DesieCorp offers full scale funnels services to help you drive traffic and automate sells so you can spend more time living while your funnel works for you! 

Hi I’m Desiree founder of DesieCorp

I know what its like to feel overwhelmed and overworked in your business. To feel like you have to be consistently on and selling in order to bring in an income. I truly know whats its like to love your business and have a deep desire to want to do less at the same time. And I’m here to tell you that It’s ok to want to do less .. and having a strategic sales funnel is what makes it possible. 

Hi, I'm Desiree. A world traveling, foodie, who believes everything is figureoutable. I’m on a mission to bring more joy and ease into life and business.  

Work with us 

From figuring out how to apply to college to figuring out how to travel solo, and move abroad. Once I moved abroad I saw a new way of life. A life full of freedom. I knew I had to figure out how to make this last. So I took a chance on myself and started DesieCorp.

I founded DesieCorp because I wanted to bring more freedom and joy into my life. I took the leap of faith and tested the waters to see how this would turn out. And little did I know that it would work! Taking this leap made me realize that it is possible to have a life of freedom and a business that supports it. Shortly after starting DesieCorp I realized that my business isn’t my dream, but rather a vehicle to get me to my dream. My real dream is to live a life full of freedom and joy. And to me that means doing LESS in my business and MORE in my life. DesieCorp is all about having fun, freedom, and calmness. 

And now I’m on a mission to support coaches and course creators in doing less in their business too. Here at Desiecorp we've been able to help dozens of coaches and course creators do less in their business by using tech and automations to build strategic funnels. We've had the honor of being the right hand women for female coaches and course creators for 2 years now.  

I’ve always been a figure it out type of gal 


"SOOOO thankful for your tech gifts! Going to check this out later but it all sounds so wonderfully streamlined!! THANK YOU DES”

Michelle, Relationship Coach / Therapist

Having the process automated saves me so much time.

I am no longer worried about forgetting a step

Melyssa Business Coach 

Since working with DesieCorp my business feels cleaner, smoother, more streamlined

I feel more available and open in my life to step outside of my business which can be hard to do as a business owner and sole provider in my household.

Sarina Life and Business Coach 

The amount that we have created and executed on this year - I am truly blown away

As always, and you know I will keep saying this, I couldn’t have done any of it period and to the level that we executed at without YOU!

Carolyn  Messaging & Storytelling Coach

Our first funnel with desiecorp ended with a 22% conversion rate.

This client came to us without a waitlist funnel set up and was essentially leaving clients on the table. We set up their funnel and ended with a 22% conversion rate, well above the 3% idustry average.

- Business Coach

I’m Ready to Do Less


For impact driven coaches and course creators who want to expand their reach and sell on autopilot. DesieCorp offers full scale funnels services to help you drive traffic and automate sells so you can spend more time living while your funnel works for you!


work WITH US

