Go from feeling overworked and overwhelmed with selling to feeling at ease knowing your funnels are strategically set up to bring in leads and sales on autopilot. 

Let’s Do This

I understand what it feels like to be overworked and overwhelmed in your business. I know what it’s like to not be living the life of freedom you wanted when you started your business. To feel like your time and energy are being sucked away by having to constantly be selling in order to make an income.

With a strategic sales funnel, we will get you out of your business and into your life. Giving you the time and energy to focus on what matters most to you. You will feel relaxed and easeful knowing your funnel is set up to increase your reach and sales on autopilot. All without you having to use hours of mental energy trying to figure it all out alone. 

Strategy Session 

This is for the business owner who is needing direction on her funnel strategy and wants to work with an expert on mapping out her funnel.

  • 3-hour strategy call where we'll walk through everything and come up with a strategy for your funnel, including which type of funnel would be best for you and everything you’ll need to bring it to life.
  • An easy-to-follow step-by-step project plan that will walk you through setting up your funnel from beginning to end. You’ll be able to follow this plan yourself or hand it off to your team!
  • Visual funnel map.

Full Service Funnel Project

Setting up funnels probably isn't your passion but it is mine! This is for the business owner who knows she needs a funnel and wants to hand off the entire project. In our full service projects we will take over your entire funnel build, from idea to testing.

  • A recorded kick off strategy session to map out the strategy for your funnel.
  • A visual funnel map so you can see how all the moving pieces work together.
  • Build out of all front-end pages such as option, thank you, and order confirmation pages.
  • All email and tech integration. Set up all needed platforms. This can include click funnels, deadline funnel, everwebinar, and more, depending on your needs.
  • A detailed handoff doc that contains every detail of your funnel in case you or your team ever need to change anything.
  • A recorded offboarding call where I’ll walk you through the ins and outs of your funnel so you’ll feel confident knowing how it all works.
  • Two weeks of testing and post-launch support via email.

$1,200 - $3,000 Each funnel project is tailored to your individual needs. Fill out the application form below to receive your custom quote.

Funnel Retainer

For the business owners with a full marketing calendar who needs someone to build and manage their funnels. This is for the business owner who wants to hand off funnels entirely. When you work with us on a retainer we'll be there to analyze your funnel's performance and make improvements when needed. It's like having a funnels expert on your team for the long term.

  • A monthly strategy call
  • 1-2 Hours per week of funnels tweaking
  • Weekly tracking and reporting with a monthly report to measure the performance of all active funnels
  • Up to 1 New full service funnel project every 2 months

$1,000 per month with a 3 month minimum


Step 1 // 

Step 2 // 

Step 3 // 

Fill out the application to see if our services can benefit you!

Hop on a clarity call to figure out which service and funnel is right for you 

Jump right in by setting up the strategy for your funnel. We do everything with a strategy first approach to ensure we set up a funnel that works for you! 

Let’s Get Started 


"SOOOO thankful for your tech gifts! Going to check this out later but it all sounds so wonderfully streamlined!! THANK YOU DES”

Michelle, Relationship Coach / Therapist

Having the process automated saves me so much time.

I am no longer worried about forgetting a step

Melyssa Business Coach 

Since working with DesieCorp my business feels cleaner, smoother, more streamlined

I feel more available and open in my life to step outside of my business which can be hard to do as a business owner and sole provider in my household.

Sarina Life and Business Coach 

The amount that we have created and executed on this year - I am truly blown away

As always, and you know I will keep saying this, I couldn’t have done any of it period and to the level that we executed at without YOU!

Carolyn  Messaging & Storytelling Coach

Our first funnel with desiecorp ended with a 22% conversion rate.

This client came to us without a waitlist funnel set up and was essentially leaving clients on the table. We set up their funnel and ended with a 22% conversion rate, well above the 3% idustry average.

- Business Coach

For impact driven coaches and course creators who want to expand their reach and sell on autopilot. DesieCorp offers full scale funnels services to help you drive traffic and automate sells so you can spend more time living while your funnel works for you!


work WITH US

